You can't accomplish anything great on your own. Maybe you've worked long hard hours, prayed, read countless books, went to school to get that degree and while all that is really good, you will never accomplish what God has for you on your own. We all need people in our lives that encourage us, support us and challenge us to step into the purpose that God has for our lives. This is the power of community. This is the power of the Church.
You see the Church isn't meant to be a social club or a meeting that happens once a week. It's meant to be a community of people, committed to God's purpose both corporately and individually, encouraging and challenging each other to do and be their best. But also to support and fight for each other when times gets difficult or when one is going through a storm.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 speaks to this
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Hebrews 10:24 does as well
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
I speak from experience on the power of WE because we have an incredible leadership team here at Be The Church as well as others in our BTC community. Having recently gone through some really difficult things they've prayed for us, encouraged us and checked in on us. Our natural tendency as humans is to withdraw and hide in the shadows but great community checks in on each other and fights for each other.
We also have many people involved in giving financially, worship, production, outreach, content submissions and caring for our community. Be The Church can't and wouldn't happen without them. Just this past Sunday our team led worship at a local church and due to travel and sickness… a lot of our leadership team wasn't able to make it. But the incredible team members stepped up and led even without us... that encourages me to keep equipping and empowering people to use their gifts to impact the world around them.
Our vision for Be The Church is huge and way bigger than a few people. We need each other and we need you to accomplish that vision. The world needs the gifts, experiences and wisdom that only YOU have. If you have wanted to get more involved or are interested in anyway…
now is the time. Click here and let's talk. We'd love to help you figure out where God wants you to connect and how you can use what you have been given to change your world.